Rock Fight.
I am having a fight with someone at work.
It’s been going on for a couple of weeks now. Normally, I don’t enjoy fights at all, but this one? This one I look forward to. First thing, every single morning, I can’t wait to continue this fight. I arrange things a certain way before I leave every night and I can’t wait to see what they’ve done with it.
My arrangement …
Inherited Fish have started rearranging the rocks in the bottom of their tank. They move them out from under the coral at one end of the tank and pile them up over top of the tree stump cave thing that’s in the opposite corner. They pile them up so high that the bottom of the tank is exposed on the coral end.
Inherited Fish arrangement …
So, I take my little plastic spoon and scoot the rocks back around so that they’re semi-level throughout the tank. Then, I watch as the male cichlid dips down all day long, takes a mouthful of the rocks, swims across the tank and spits them out. Repeat and repeat … all day long. I assume he does it all night long, too, while his harem of females look on.
Rocks he just spit on top of coral …
He even spits the rocks on top of the fake plants … do you see the rocks on top of the plants?
I wonder how long Male Cichlid of the Inherited Fish clan will stubbornly refuse to accept that I can move more rocks with a swoosh of my plastic spoon in three seconds than he can in 12 hours.
I am amused.