><((((º> Nothing But Fish

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Baby #1 dropped her eggs this morning, so she's no longer holding. Apparently, I pulled the male from the tank before he fertilized her eggs. She'd only been tumbling 5 eggs; she's so small it looks like she had a herd of elephants in her little mouth. She's been tamping at the bit all day to get out of her little holding cell, but I'm holding off on releasing her until tonight.

I'm worried about the other adult female that's in the tank. She's hiding in a dark spot, I'm worried that the male was buffeting her, causing her to create eggs but that I may have pulled him and left the job undone, in other words, that she's egg bound. Most of the stories I've read on the Internet of egg bound fish result in the female's death. I truly hope that's not the case with her.

She comes out when I feed the tank and is VERY, VERY aggressive when eating. So much so that the other fish hide. I just hope she's okay.