><((((º> Nothing But Fish

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The Tanks.

I lost two babies this past week. I think it had to do with the temperature fluctuation when the heater in the baby tank died. I'd thought the heater was dying, but wasn't too sure. But one evening the thermometer read 72 degrees. So, I bought a new heater for their tank.

That night, I lost one baby and the following night, another one. (sigh) They were the bigger ones, not the teensy babies. *shrug* Don't know why. But, that first night, I also separated the teensy babies from the bigger fry, too, just in case it was a show of aggression.

I also bought a little water aerator for the corner of their tank and hooked up the air line to it (the line that had previously been hooked up to the fancy baby birthing contraption). I hooked it up a couple nights after the heater was replaced. That gives some water movement for them on the "still" side of the tank. They were so incredibly curious and were swimming in and out of their new decoration.

Then, we had a couple of hot days here and the inside temperature got warm. The tanks were all nearing 80 degrees. Now we're thinking of leaving the lights off on the tanks during really hot days, because the lights act as a heater, too.

It's time to take another batch of babies over to the fish store. They're growing up so fast now, it seems. Tonight I went over with their food container, holding it outside of their tank and tapped on the container's lid to get their attention. They all swam over and looked at me. I raised the food container upwards and watched all the babies swim upward. Then, I moved the food container down, and watched all the babies swim down. It was so cute and made me laugh.

I feel like a fish mommy. Enjoying my time with them, yet looking forward to them leaving their little tank for larger waters. Wishing they didn't have to grow up, but knowing it's for the best.