><((((º> Nothing But Fish

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Enjoying the moment.

Things are good once again over here in fishland. I'm so grateful for that.

I had a bad moment earlier this evening. In the big tank, the 36 gallon tank, I have the algae eater fish. It's grown to be rather large and I'm so proud of him (I call it a him, I have no idea if it's a boy or a girl) because he's done so well. He has this one place in the tank that he likes to take his naps, I call it his bed. Anyway, tonight, he was lying on his back underneath his "bed" -- it scared me, I thought it had died and I was so bummed.

I tapped on the tank and he wiggled around. I took a flashlight and shone it on him and he took off to around behind the bed. When I came back a minute later, he had put himself into his bed cave like he always does. I just went over there now, it's dark in the house and in the aquariums -- he was out in the tank, busily swimming and eating, so maybe he's okay?

He's such a strange fish, I hardly ever see him, so I don't really know what his normal behaviour is. Is it possible that he fell asleep and just plopped off the rock he was sucking on???

Anyway, the rest of the fish are doing well. The 12 gallon tank occupants are okay. I released the female who had been in isolation for healing one morning around 2AM. She was fine the next day, and has been fine ever since. Thank goodness.

The other occupants of the 36 gallon tank are doing well. I finally determined that the thermometer had gone faulty, not the heater in the tank. Sooooo, it turned out that while trusting the thermometer I was turning up the heater and the temperature really was 85-86 degrees. Good lord. I turned it down and it now is around 78ish, which is fine for them.

Not much more I want right now. I'm just enjoying them being healthy and that all the tank equipment is working properly.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Still No Babies.

Mr. White is just being plain mean to all the females in there. The one I pulled out and put in a separated cell is still in there. I just can't see letting her out when everyone's being so mean right now. The grey female in there is cycling again. If she doesn't hold the eggs this time, I'm putting her back in the 36 gallon tank with the other grey females. It will probably be best... the only females that Mr. White does his shimmy dance with is one of the other white ones.


I've been a bit concerned about the tank temperatures again, they've been getting kind of cold -- down to 72° in the big tank. I keep turning the heater up... crazy. I guess it's just been colder weather here lately, down into the 50's at nights.

The fish seem to be okay, though.